
An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organisation for a limited period of time. They are typically undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain relevant skills and experience in a particular field.
Internships can last from 1-3 months, a semester, and in some cases an entire year.
Students serving as interns will be given meaningful projects, be assigned responsibilities, and work deadlines and expectations, very similar to what they would expect as a full-time employee.
Some internships are unpaid, some may include reimbursement for housing and transportation costs, some may be unpaid but offer NU credit.
Why doing an internship is important?
  1. Intern gains the initial professional experience that enhances his/her competitiveness;
  2. Internships are a proven way to gain relevant knowledge and skills;
  3. Internship is similar to training, which would be given in an educational environment and asking questions is one key to learning;
  4. Intern is not entitled to wages, but he/she gains valuable insight in the working processes of that particular company and the industry at large.
It’s no secret that internships are the most effective way for students to gain work experience before graduation. In fact, studies show that 7 out of 10 internships turn into full-time jobs.
During their studies NU students can have two types of internships:
+Credit Bearing
supervised by the Schools and contribute to a degree program.
All other types of internships that do not refer to credit-bearing type are considered a valuable learning experience and are coordinated and recorded by CAC in the internship database.
+Eligibility for credit-bearing internship:
All credit bearing internships must be approved by the School office and faculty supervisor for the correspondence to the academic program and professional field.
  • A student must be in good standing (i.e. not on probation or conditional).
  • The internship experience must be an extension of a program learning experience that provides each student an opportunity to utilize the knowledge gained in the classroom.
  • Duration for SoE internships- 240 hours (approx.. 6 weeks), for other schools- up to 120 hours (approx. 1 month). The duration must be approved by the respective school.
  1. Credit bearing Internships must meet the School guidelines or they will not appear on transcript.
  2. Credit for an internship will not be considered retroactively.
  3. Students who are traveling abroad must acquire medical insurances.
  4. The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship.
  5. An English language workplace/internship environment is not required.
  6. An Internship credit plan must be approved by the School prior to beginning the placement.
  7. An Internship credit cannot be transferred from other institutions.
+Registration of the internship
All types of internship must be registered in the CAC internship database for future reference. Please email this form to to register your internship.
For more information please see this presentation.

International Opportunities
Here are some sample opportunities that could be a valuable contribution to your internship search. More opportunities can be found at CAC CareerNet. NOTE: Pay attention to the application deadlines.
  1. Yessenov Foundation Research Internship
  2. IAESTE – an international student exchange internship program for 3rd-4th year bachelor students and Master and PhD students younger than 32 years: IAESTE application terms and application form.
  3. Short-term research attachments for international students at A*STAR (Singapore)
  4. University of Queensland Undergraduate Winter Research Program
  5. Lunar and Planetary Institute Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
  6. Summer research internship UTSIP Kashiwa at the University of Tokyo
  7. Summer Internship at Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University
  8. Caltech’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program.
  9. Summer Research Programme in Austria.
  10. Great Minds student internships-2018.
  11. International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS 2019).
  • This page is updated regularly.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Credit Bearing Internships
A student must be in good standing (i.e. not on probation or conditional). This applies to probationary statuses for both academic and non-academic reasons, which may include disciplinary actions for academic dishonesty. An exception to this clause can be made by the Schools. No outstanding in-completes . The School must approve all credit bearing internships.
  • Sanctioned Internships
Student must be in good standing (i.e. not on probation or conditional). This applies for both academic and non-academic reasons, which may include disciplinary actions for academic dishonesty.

For more information, see the presentation here.

Internship can be divided into 2 parts bearing in mind that it can only be taken during an academic term.
Our Contacts
Feel free to write and call us!
+7(7172) 70 60 68
Nazarbayev University / Career and Advising Center
53 Kabanbay Batyr, ave.
Block 1, Floor 2, Offices 1282 / 1284 / 1285 / 1288
Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000